Hello folks,
Thought I’d explain my Yes vote to the motion here, regarding tent encampments in parks, as I’ve been getting both positive and negative feedback on it.
(The photo for this post is not local. I am not comfortable posting photos of people’s homes while locally and currently sheltering in parks. It is 3+ years old in another country, where I was observing that our housing crisis is global.)
Here is what Mayor Fillmore’s motion read: “Recind Regional Council’s July 9th, 2024 endorsement of the amended list of potential designated locations and direct the CAO to cease designating locations for sheltering from this list.”
I voted Yes because:
- I have confidence in our CAO and she was ok with the motion. She feels that the Province is continuing to add safer indoor options for folks experiencing homelessness and it is possible that we may not need to designate more parks for sheltering as more and more of these options come to fruition.
- The list includes only parks. If/when we need to designate a new encampment, I would like to consider spaces that are not parks such as parking lots or empty lots (modified for comfort and dignity). I felt that pursuing these options may not happen if we keep the potential designated locations list. I understand that these options have been considered before by staff and council.
- I don’t think having a pre-approved list or not having a list affects whether or not HRM will designate places for encampments in the future. To me, the change requested was whether or not the CAO has the authority to go ahead and designate future encampments without (current) council approval or not. There are 8 new members of council since this decision was made, and the CAO did indicate that she would not designate an encampment without coming to council with information first anyhow, so I don’t think we would be slowing down the process by doing away with the pre-approved list.
HRM now has 5 designated locations (Lower Flinn, Cogswell, Barrington St Green space, Geary St, Green Road). More info on HRMs response to homelessness can be found here.
I encourage everyone concerned about folks experiencing homelessness (as I am) to reach out to your MLA and Premier Houston. I want to collaborate with the province to find solutions for people experiencing homelessness during these affordability, housing and health care crises.
One of the basic services we need in Nova Scotia is a true housing first policy in action. We need facilities sometimes called wet shelters. A place one can go no matter what mental health & addictions issues they are facing, and be provided with a private space, and timely social and medical supports.
Of course, not everyone experiencing homelessness is facing these particular challenges, but I don’t believe we will get away from hosting encampments without this service in place for people who want it. Both housing and healthcare remain the jurisdiction of our provincial government in Nova Scotia.
Thanks for your engagement in our democracy. I probably won’t get a more comprehensive update out soon, as we have another council meeting to prepare for on 10 December.
Take care,